Sara has been fascinated with skincare for as long as she can remember.

What started as merely an interest in products quickly evolved into an obsession to learn more about the biology of human skin and why it behaves as it does. As a result, Sara followed her passion and became a licensed esthetician and certified laser clinician.

Continuing Education

Continuing education is a top priority for Sara. She continually seeks out opportunities to advance her skill set and industry knowledge by attending any class or workshop she can get her hands on. Sarah understands that the industry of esthetics is a rapidly evolving one and to stay relevant she must be at the top of her craft. She also thinks that her patients deserve to have access to the latest treatment technologies and advancements and she always wants to be able to answer that demand.

Sara’s Skincare Approach

Sara’s approach to skincare may be different than what you may have experienced in the past. She avoids anything close to a “one-size-fits-all” approach! She likes to first truly understand her patients and listen to their specific concerns before formulating a highly customized treatment strategy. She is known for combining multiple treatment modalities, and product recommendations to both enhance and expedite your results. Sara prides herself in never being “salesy” or “preachy” with her patients. Instead, she educates and explains why she’s recommending what she is so you have a full understanding and can feel excited as you progress!

Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery has always been on Sara’s radar as a place she wanted to work. The reputation of the clinic is one of the most respected in the Midwest. After joining our team, she appreciated even more how the mission of the clinic and how it wants to serve our patients were indeed in sync with her treatment philosophy and approach. Like us, Sara believes that taking care of your skin and wanting to improve your appearance isn’t vain; it’s empowering. When you feel great about how you look you approach your life more positively and feel happier and more fulfilled. That is the feeling she wants each of her patients to have.

Our patients love Sara’s hilarious sense of humor, but respect how much they learn from her. Her co-workers value how reliable and knowledgeable she is at what she does. When you can’t find Sara at Midwest Facial Plastics, you may see her out with friends and family trying out a new restaurant. She is a total “foodie” who loves trying new things and traveling to new places!


Before + After Results

View before and after photos of surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeons Dr. Christopher Tolan, Dr. Garrett Griffin, Dr. Zachary Farhood, Dr. Sebastian Sciegienka and Dr. Anna Bakeman in Minneapolis, MN.