This 70-year-old woman is high energy, but looked tired and angry all the time. She also felt she had no peripheral vision, which scared her while driving. She met with Dr. Griffin to see what could be done to improve her vision and appearance. He suggested a trichophytic browlift and upper blepharoplasty. He pointed out that she had significant asymmetry of her brows and eyelids and that surgery could improve but not completely correct this.
A trichophytic browlift removes a strip of forehead skin right at the hairline, which lowers the hairline, raises the eyebrows, and smoothes the forehead and upper nose skin. She was a good candidate for a trichophytic browlift because she had a higher hairline, deep forehead and glabellar lines, and wore bangs which helps cover the incision. An upper blepharoplasty removes a strip of upper eyelid skin and helps achieve a more youthful appearance, while also improving vision. After surgery she looks happier and more alert, and no longer feels that cars appear out of nowhere when driving!