Injectable Fillers Before & After Photos

View before and after photos of surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeons Dr. Christopher Tolan, Dr. Garrett Griffin, Dr. Zachary Farhood, Dr. Sebastian Sciegienka and Dr. Anna Bakeman in Minneapolis, MN.

Patient #769

This healthy, young female had noted a more tired, stern look around the eye and forehead region and was interested in options for treatment. We were able to address the area between the eyebrows known as the glabella with combination therapy injection of hyaluronic acid filler and BOTOX®, rather than surgery. Photos show her before and over 2 months after placement of the filler Juvederm® and BOTOX® to the glabella. The result is a more refreshed, yet natural appearance of her face. This patient’s care was provided by Dr. Christopher Tolan at Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery and Esthetic Skincare.

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