Reclaim your jawline, ditch a double chin, and look slimmer and younger with FDA-Approved Kybella™!

Are you tired of your double chin impacting your self-confidence and making you look heavier and older than you actually are? Caused by aging, genetics and/or weight gain, submental chin fat, or a double chin, can be almost impossible to lose through traditional methods like diet and exercise. Non-surgical Kybella is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment to reduce chin fat and enhance the appearance of your jawline.

How does Kybella™ Work?

The active ingredient in Kybella, Deoxycholic Acid, is a substance naturally found in our bodies. It resides in our digestive tract and aids in the breakdown and absorption of the fats we eat. Kybella is identical to the Deoxycholic Acid found in our body. It is manufactured in a laboratory and contains no human or animal products, making it very safe. When Kybella is injected into the areas of fat accumulation in the neck, it causes the permanent breakdown of fat cells and an improvement in the contour of the neck, giving us a more youthful appearance.

Your Kybella™ Consultation and Treatment

After your complimentary consultation with one of our physicians to determine that you are a good candidate for Kybella, our team will map out the ideal number of treatments you will need to see the best reduction of submental fat. It is common for patients to need 2-6 injectable sessions with Kybella to see optimal outcomes. In certain cases, your physician may determine that you are a better candidate for a surgical procedure than Kybella.

The day of your treatment, our staff will start by applying a topical numbing agent and cooling the treatment area with an ice pack to keep you comfortable during the injection process. They will also apply a temporary grid to your skin to map out the ideal injection points. The actual injections of Kybella are quick and relatively painless, taking 20 minutes or less. You may notice some mild swelling, numbness, redness, tenderness, and feelings of pressure or “fullness” during and after your treatment. In rare cases, bruising may occur. We recommend that you schedule your Kybella treatments around your social schedule in the event of any bruising.


  • Double chin
  • Excess fat under jawline


  • Decreases double chin
  • Enhances jawline
  • Improvements to facial profile
  • Younger appearance
  • PERMANENT results

Recovery and Results

Results are NOT seen overnight with Kybella, in fact you may look slightly worse temporarily due to swelling. During the weeks after your treatment, the Deoxycholic Acid will begin to break down the fat cells under your chin. This process is progressive. Once destroyed, the fat cells will safely exit your body by means of your lymphatic system. Many patients start to notice results at 8 weeks with full results seen 3 months after your last injection series. Most patients require two to four treatments, spaced one month apart. In some cases, six treatments are needed to obtain a full correction. Your physician will lay out realistic expectations regarding how many treatments you will need.

Experienced Injectors

Dr. Christopher Tolan and Dr. Garrett Griffin are two of the FIRST three physicians in the entire state of Minnesota to offer Kybella. Their practice, Midwest Facial Plastic Surgery and Face Cosmetic Skincare, is an exclusive education-training center for health care professionals who are interested in learning about Kybella and the technique of other injectables such as Botox and Juvederm.

Want to save on your next Kybella™ treatment?

Make sure you are registered with the Brilliant Distinctions Rewards program and consider becoming an MRewards Member to save on all of your treatments and products at Face Cosmetic Skincare!

Learn More with a Consultation

Are you interested in learning more about Kybella for Turkey Neck & Double Chins? Schedule a consultation with our staff to find out if it is right for you.

Learn more about Kybella here.


Before + After Results

View before and after photos of surgeries performed by facial plastic surgeons Dr. Christopher Tolan, Dr. Garrett Griffin, Dr. Zachary Farhood, Dr. Sebastian Sciegienka, and Dr. Anna Bakeman in Minneapolis, MN.